Things i will change for my final version are:
- I'd create an actual logo not just some text saying "Flocker" to make the cover look better and more "professional"
- Have something going on in the background to make it look better but i couldn't think of anything while i was making it that would be good i did get a few ideas after i finished it though such as destroying musical stuff like an amp or something like that.
- Not have it as text heavy, i want to make the text just look better to the eye as i think it looks way too text heavy as it is now so i will change this.
- Try find a better font and a better font size to use as i didn't like what i used in my mock up.
- Make it look more like a rock magazine in general or more like an actual Kerrang magazine.
- Try make it look more professional
- Try to settle on a house style with the colours
- Add in more pictures in the corner or something
- Make the cover look better